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Interesting Facts About Yoruba People | Bashiri

Interesting Facts About Yoruba People The Yoruba are an ethnic group of southwestern Nigeria and southern Benin in West Africa who share a rich history and culture. This post discusses the history of the tribe, their special culture and language as well as some interesting facts unique to the Yoruba people. We have a special…

Shopper Baskets!

Our Shopper Basket is our is premium Bolga Basket  They are hand-woven from the very best elephant grass by our expert weavers in Bolgatanga, Northern Ghana  We believe in supporting and respecting the artists we buy from, doing business at local and fair market prices. We get to know each artist and supplier personally, establishing…

Introducing our new sound healing range!

Introducing our new sound healing range!

A true feast for the eyes and ears! Introducing our brand new range of Himalayan sound healing instruments, beautifully designed and perfect for meditation, ceremonies, therapy, or just looking pretty! Handmade in Nepal. Ceremonial Gongs: Comes complete with heavy mallet! Singing Bowls: Available in classic and decorated designs Tingsha Cymbals: Made of thick 100% brass…

Weaving baskets in Ghana: A beautiful tradition

Weaving baskets in Ghana: A beautiful tradition

The art of weaving is timeless and multi-generational, predominantly undertaken by the women in the village. A very social activity, the women will often sit inside or outdoors underneath a lush mango tree, singing, dancing and laughing as they weave — a beautiful tradition that delights and inspires, often prompting the men and children sitting…