• Sale!

    Bwa Sun Mask :: (BF-BWA-0129)

    AU $220.00 AU $198.00

    The Bwa sun mask has been appreciated by artists and collectors alike. Sun Masks are contemporary pieces which marry the stylistic features of the Bwa and Bobo. Appearing during agricultural and harvest festivals, they honour the Sun and its power to yield a healthy crop. The chequer-board light and dark geometric patterns are understood and…

  • fante mask statue

    Ghana Fante Twin Head Statue :: (STAT-GH-FANTE-0007)

    AU $185.00

    Ornate statue hand-carved from one piece of timber.
    Adorned with waist beads as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. 

    Country of Origin……………Ghana
    Culture………………………… Fante
    Dimensions……………………38 x 15 x 4cm

  • Sale!

    Ashanti Antique Stool :: (stat-gh-ashanti-009)

    Original price was: AU $980.00.Current price is: AU $833.00.

    Superb Golden Hardwood Ashanti Stool hand-carved in Ghana from one piece of timber Estimated age 45-60 years old Statue Information Country of Origin…………….. Ghana Culture………………………… Ashanti Function……………………….. Protection and Fertility Dimensions…………………….46 x 24 x 32cm  

  • Sale! fetish statue congo

    Congo Fetish Statue (stat-congo-n-003)

    Original price was: AU $380.00.Current price is: AU $340.00.

    Medium sized Congolese fetish statue with signature bead and cowrie shell adornment.
    Divine protection and sacred medicines are central to the belief of the BaKongo peoples.
    The BaKongo believe that the great god, Ne Kongo, brought the first sacred medicine or nkisi down from heaven in an earthenware vessel set upon three stones or termite mounds.

    Country of Origin…………….. Congo
    Function……………………… Ritual and religion
    Dimensions………………….. 42 x 15 x 15cm

  • Ibeji Twin Dolls :: (Stat-Nig-Ibeji-011)

    AU $195.00

    Ibeji twin statues hold deep cultural and spiritual significance in Nigeria, particularly among the Yoruba people.
    They represent the Ibeji, which means “twins” in the Yoruba language.
    Twins are highly revered in Yoruba culture and are believed to possess special spiritual powers.

    Country of Origin…………..Nigeria
    Culture………………………….. ..Yoruba
    Function……………………Remembrance, Honour, Protection & Prosperity
    Dimensions…………………32 x 15 x 10cm

  • Ibeji Twin Dolls :: (Stat-Nig-Ibeji-010)

    AU $195.00

    Ibeji twin statues hold deep cultural and spiritual significance in Nigeria, particularly among the Yoruba people.
    They represent the Ibeji, which means “twins” in the Yoruba language.
    Twins are highly revered in Yoruba culture and are believed to possess special spiritual powers.

    Country of Origin…………..Nigeria
    Culture………………………….. Yoruba
    Function…………………….Remembrance, Honour, Protection & Prosperity
    Dimensions………………..31 x 15 x 10cm

  • gabon statues

    Gabon Statue Pair:: (Stat-Gab-002)

    AU $395.00

    Stunning pair of Gabonese fetish statues.
    Adorned with feathers and beads

    Country of Origin……………… Gabon
    Function……………………….. Decorative
    Dimensions……………………. 34 x 10 x 9cm

  • Lobi statue

    Lobi Statue :: (STAT-BF-LOBI-0003)

    AU $240.00

    Striking medium sized fetish statue adorned with horns.
    This wooden sculptures depicts ancestors, spirits, or deities important to the Lobi people’s traditional religious practices

    Country of Origin……………Burkina Faso
    Culture………………………… Lobi
    Function……………………….. Protection
    Dimensions……………………. 60 x 18 x 12cm

  • lobi statue

    Lobi Statue :: (STAT-BF-LOBI-0002)

    AU $190.00

    Petite and classic shaped Lobi statue featuring horse hair wrapped head.

    Country of Origin…………….. Burkina Faso
    Culture………………………… Lobi
    Function……………………….. Protection
    Dimensions……………………. 36 x 10 x 7cm

  • Sale! lobi statue

    Lobi Statue :: (STAT-BF-LOBI-0001)

    Original price was: AU $280.00.Current price is: AU $220.00.

    Petite aged statue from Burkina Faso.
    Immaculate symmetry and form ….a real find

    Country of Origin…………….Burkina Faso
    Culture…………………………  Lobi
    Function……………………….. Protection and Fertility
    Dimensions……………………. 35 x 6 x 6cm

  • Sale!

    Antique Dogon Statue :: (Stat-Mali-Dog-016)

    Original price was: AU $5,900.00.Current price is: AU $3,900.00.

    Rare ntique Dogon figurine from Mali

    Country of Origin…….……….. Mali
    Culture………………………… Dogon
    Function……………………….. Protection
    Dimensions…………………….52cm  x 15cm x 40cm

  • Sale!

    Dogon Antique Lion Mask :: (Stat-Mali-Dog-015)

    AU $2,550.00 AU $2,295.00

    Antique Lion mask from Dogon country in Mali.


    Country of Origin…….……….. Mali
    Culture………………………… Dogon
    Function……………………….. Protection
    Dimensions…………………….23cm  x 20cm x 12cm