27cm Classic Singing Bowl – Brahms

AU $480.00

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Bowl of melodies, soothe wounded hearts.

The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, is considered to be the sixth chakra in the body. This chakra is said to be located in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows. It’s believed to be linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication

High note: 448 A4 | Low note: 240 B3
Suitable For: Third Eye Chakra
Dimensions: Bowl: 27cm x 11cm | Striker: 19cm | Bowl weight: 1.9kg.
Price includes a cushion and a striker.

1 in stock


This prayer bowl has extremely high resonance and a gorgeous, calming sound.
Strike the edge or side of the bowl for different timbres of the full chord, or slowly circle around the lip with the mallet to resonate the base note.

Smaller bowls sing at higher frequencies with cleaner sounds – perfect for clearing the middle and upper chakras. Larger bowls create deeper sounds which clear the middle and lower chakras.
Incorporate bowls of different sizes to achieve a magnificent, therapeutic soundscape.

Some practitioners maintain that specific frequencies can aim at parts of the body, allowing for the healing of some ailments. If you’d like to direct towards certain chakras, you can choose a bowl by its tonal frequencies.
Please note that cushion and striker colours may vary.

Watch this instrument in action below

Chakras guide

Pair a sound frequency with its chakra centre, using our quick guide below.
If you can’t find the frequency on this list, just halve or double a frequency, until it falls in one of the ranges below – it’ll give the same note an octave up or down.
Here are examples
Crown: 229.5-249.5Hz | Third Eye: 204-229.5Hz
Throat: 187-204Hz | Heart: 172-187Hz
Navel: 153-172Hz | Sacral: 136-153Hz| Base: 124.5-136Hz
Example 1: Take 108Hz. 108 x 2 = 216Hz … Third Eye Chakra.
Example 2: Take 972Hz. 972 / 2 = 486HZ. 486 / 2 = 243Hz … Crown Chakra.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm