Showing 1–12 of 56 results

  • baule statue

    Baule Statue :: (STAT-IV-B-012)

    AU $275.00

    A lovely piece –  Carved aged female Baule statues featuring splayed hair design
    Typically representative of physical beauty and moral virtue, they are treasured tokens.

    Country of Origin………………Ivory Coast
    Culture………………………… Baule
    Function……………………….. Prosperity & Fertility
    Dimensions…………………….60 x 9 x 14 cm

  • Baule statue

    Baule Statue – Jensa

    AU $3,300.00

    Superb human size male Baule figurine from Ivory Coast.
    Intricate carvings symbolise elegance, wisdom and good fortune.
    A special piece made from hardwood djala timber

    Country of Origin………………Ivory Coast
    Culture………………………… Baule
    Function……………………….. Prosperity & Wisdom
    Dimensions…………………….152 x 40 x 40

  • voodoo statue

    Congo Fetish Statue – Labuzo

    AU $580.00

    A striking tall Congolese Nkisi statue adorned with nails, feathers, shells and ritual amulets.
    Nkisi is conceived as a power emanating from the unseen world of the dead, an omniscient force which is otherwise inaccessible to human perception.

    Country of Origin…………….. Congo
    Function……………………… Ritual and religion
    Dimensions………………….. 76 (tall) x 25 x 22cm

  • dogon ladder

    Dogon Granary Ladder – Bangarra

    AU $275.00

    Stylish miniature granary ladders created by the Dogon – made to help the spirits of the ancestors climb up onto the roof of the house where the ancestor’s altar is generally located.

    Country of Origin…….……….. Mali
    Culture………………………… Dogon
    Function……………………….. Practical & Homage
    Dimensions…………………….65cm Long  x 19.5cm wide x 5cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Chinte

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    However far a stream flows, it doesn’t forget its origin.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Chonu

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    Rain does not fall on one roof alone.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Moze

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    A feeble effort will not fulfill the self.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Tukka

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    Seeing is different than being told.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Alite

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    To try and to fail is not laziness.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Tansoli

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    Don’t set sail on someone else’s star.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Kuku

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    Once you carry your own water, you’ll remember every drop.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm

  • African Ghana Ashanti Hand Carved Wooden Traditional Fertility Doll Statue

    Ashanti Fertility Doll (Large) – Khai

    AU $88.00

    Traditional hand carved Ashanti Fertility Doll

    However long the night, the dawn will break.

    Country: Ghana  //  Culture: Ashanti
    Material: Wood  //  Function: Fertility
    Dimensions: 36 x 15cm